

Built-In User-Defined Image Processing

When scanning or creating deep zoom image sets, the uScope Navigator application can process your images using user-defined sequences of image filters. Each filter sequence can be customized for various types of tissue samples, preparation methods, slide types, stains, and so on.

The following filters are available:

Editing a Filter Sequence Editing a Filter Sequence

Use the Create Filter Sequence dialog to create and save filter sequences. Filter sequences can include multiple image processing filters that are applied in order.

In general, for the first filter in a sequence, you should use the Flat Field Correction filter (for objective and overview cameras). Flat field correction applies a correction filter to each image to ensure it is consistent from edge to edge.

While it may be interesting to stack up several complex filters, the best results are typically achieved using only a few filters. For example:

For Overview and Objective (Slide) Camera Filter Sequences...

  1. Flat Field Correction
  2. Look Up Table

For Deep Zoom Filter Sequences...

  1. Look Up Table
  2. Gaussian Sharpen

Adding a Filter to the Sequence Adding a Filter to the Sequence

You can easily add or remove filters from each filter sequence.

To view the effects of a filter sequence, you may load a test image which displays both before and after the filter sequence is applied. This is the best way to confirm your filters perform the image processing you require.

While editing a filter sequence, the uScope Navigator Application displays a histogram of the starting image and of the processed image. The histogram shows the entire tonal distribution for the processed image and allows you to easily see how the selected filters affect the image data.

Whole Slide Images
Scanned by the uScope Digital Microscope
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