Selecting Multiple Regions
The uScope Navigator software allows you to select multiple regions to scan from a glass slide. There are several reasons why you may prefer to scan multiple regions instead of a single, large one:
To select a new region, click the mouse and drag to set the dimensions of the region selection box. After you have set a region's size, you can always make adjustments by clicking on the region box and dragging the handles on the sides or corners.
If you make a mistake selecting a region, you can use the following buttons to remove a region selection box.
After selecting the region(s) to scan, you can select the filter and focus method to use.
Scanning Multiple Regions
When you initiate a multi-region scan, you are prompted to set the initial focus and illuminator settings for each region.
As each region is scanned, it is added to a new tab on the scan window. You can navigate between the tabs to review each completed scan.