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Article ID: DXA2373 — Created: 2 Apr 2021 — Reviewed: 6 Apr 2021
Some uScopeDX slide trays are difficult to insert.
This can be the case with new slide trays.
Follow these steps when inserting a slide tray that feels tight.
- Insert the slide tray straight (parallel with the table or desk top) into the uScope.
- Generally, the first resistance you feel is the front feet of the slide tray as they hit the carrier ramp. Lift on the slide tray handle slightly to help the feet slide up the ramp.
- Once the tray feet are sliding, stop lifting and slowly push the slide tray straight into the uScope. Note that the slide tray guides hold the slide tray firmly against the carrier and are supposed to be somewhat tight.
- When the slide tray is all but about 1" (2.5cm) from fully inserted, you will likely feel another point of resistance. This is the rear slide tray feet coming into contact with the carrier ramp. Again, lift on the slide tray handle slightly to help the feet up the ramp.
Over time, the slide tray feet will wear a little and the guides will loosen up and be easier to insert.