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Article ID: NFL1277 — Created: 21 Aug 2019 — Reviewed: 13 Dec 2020
A Grayscale Filter has been added to uScope Navigator v4.5. This filter converts a color image to a 256-shades of gray.
Controls are available to control the amounts of Red, Green, and Blue that comprise the grayscale image.
The Grayscale Filter converts color images to grayscale images with 256 shades of gray using standard color mixing to generate a gray shade or each combination of red, green, and blue.
Grayscale Filter — Before
Grayscale Filter — After
Controls let you select the amount of red, green, and blue to combine when creating grayscale pixels. A coefficient for each color is used in a standard formula for converting the sRGB color space defined in terms of the CIE 1931 luminance. The default coefficients are shown in the following formula:
In general, these settings should be sufficient for most grayscale image conversions. However, you may set them to suit your requirements.
The coefficients specified for the grayscale conversion should add to 1.00 (100%).
You may, of course, set the coefficients to suit your requirements. For example: