
Scan Mode How to Change the Objective Camera Mode
Scan Mode

Information in this article applies to:

  • uScope Navigator V4.0 and Later

Article ID: NSC1058 — Created: 19 May 2017 — Reviewed: 7 Dec 2020


How do I change the camera mode for the objective camera from standard definition (SD) to high definition (HD)?


Generally, you make camera mode setting changes in the Device Settings dialog. There are only a few steps required to change the camera mode from SD to HD.

Open Device Settings

Open Device Settings Changing the objective camera mode is done in the Device Settings for each uScope individually.

  1. Select the uScope whose camera mode you want to change from the side bar.
  2. Click the Device Settings button at the bottom of the uScope Control Panel.

The Device Settings dialog appears for the selected uScope.

Select Objective and Change the Camera Mode

  1. Select the Objective and Resolution Select the objective whose camera you want to change from the side bar.
  2. Select the video mode (resolution) from the Resolution drop down.

The SD camera mode is a 960x540 image that is binned from a 1920x1080 image (each 2x2 pixel array is converted into a single pixel. One advantage of SD mode is that images are smaller and are transmitted to the PC much faster. Another advantage is that image noise (which all image sensors have) is significantly reduced.

The HD camera mode is a 1920x1080 image. An advantage of the 1920x1080 image is that it has double the resolution of the SD image. A disadvantage is that images are approximately four times larger and take more time to read/write to disk.

Make DefaultMake the New Settings the Default

In order for the camera mode changes to become the new default, you must select the Make this the default resolution for this camera checkbox.

If you fail to select this checkbox, your changes to the camera mode will not become effective.

Calibrate Camera

Calibrate the CameraWhenever you change camera modes, it is always a good idea to re-calibrate the camera. Calibration resets the image exposure and color settings (white-balance). Additionally, a new flat-field image is captured to use with the flat-field filter applied to each scanned image.

Refer to the following knowledge base article to learn more about recalibrating the objective camera.

Save Changes

Save Changes to Device Settings Finally, you must click Save and Exit to save the changes to the camera mode.

As of uScope Navigator v4.5, the Overview Camera mode is fixed to High-Definition mode and cannot be changed.

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