
Scan Mode Speeding Up Predictive Focus
Scan Mode

Information in this article applies to:

  • uScope Navigator V4.3 and Later

Article ID: NSC1129 — Created: 10 Jan 2018 — Reviewed: 15 Feb 2018


uScope Navigator releases prior to v4.3 RC45 capture prediction points (used for predictive focus) in a unidirectional pattern. uScope Navigator v4.3 RC45 and later capture prediction points in a bidirectional pattern. Changing the predictive focus method to capture prediction points bidirectionally provides several opportunities to improve scan performance.

  • Reduce Scan Time
    The time required to capture prediction points is reduced by maintaining efficient platform motion profiles. Bidirectional scanning is faster than unidirectional scanning.
  • Shorter Prediction Point Stack
    By using the focus point of each prediction point to bias the next prediction point, the stack size can be shrunk significantly (approximately 70%) which leads to a faster scan time. Less time is spent focusing the prediction points.
  • Improved Focus Quality
    Large scan areas are subject to greater deviations in the focus. By tracking and utilizing the focus point of prior prediction points, uScope Navigator can do a better job of quickly finding the best focus for each prediction point.


uScope Navigator v4.3 RC45 introduces bidirectional predictive point scanning along with focus biasing. Several new settings have been introduced that allow users to tune predictive focus performance. Refer to the following knowledge base article for more information:

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