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Article ID: NVW1234 — Created: 10 Oct 2018 — Reviewed: 7 Sep 2019
When viewing a deep zoom image, I know I can export regions of interest as TIFF, BMP, JPG, or PNG images. I need to have a scale bar on the images.
Is there a way to add the scale bar (like the one displayed in the deep zoom image viewer) to the exported image file?
Unfortunately, this is not possible at this time.
When you export an image from the deep zoom viewer, only the image data is saved in the image file. Things like a scale bar would typically be saved as a separate layer in the output file. Each of the exported files (BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIF) are saved as bitmap images with no separate layers.
As a work-around, you may create an SVS (Tiled TIFF) image when creating the whole scan image. This image is compatible with many third-party SVS image viewers that can display a scale bar.