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Article ID: NWS2320 — Created: 1 Sep 2020 — Reviewed: 6 Sep 2020
uScope Navigator v4.5 introduced the ability to create EDF (Extended Depth of Field) images from a multi-layer scan or z-stack. Several options are used by the EDF image processor when creating the composite EDF images. If you change these options, you may need to re-generate the EDF field images and re-create a Deep Zoom or other Whole Scan Image.
The job folder for a multi-region scan appears as follows:
C:\Images Multi-Layer-JobName JobInfo.xml uS-Overview.jpg uS-Key.jpg uS-ScanInfo.xml uS-XxxxYyyyZzz.(jpg|png) EDF (folder containing EDF field images) uS-ScanInfo.xml DZCombine.xml uS-XxxxYyyy.jpg Deepzoom-unfiltered DZDirInfo.xml MIDZ.html EDF (folder containing EDF Deep Zoom images) MIDZ.html uS-Overview.jpg uS-Key.jpg DZThumbnail.jpg DZThumbnail_sq.jpg DZInfo.xml DZViewer.xml DZOutput.xml DZOutput_files (Deep Zoom Pyramid Files) Layer01 (same as EDF above) Layer02 (same as EDF above) EasyZoom (EasyZoom (SZI) Images) SVS (SVS Images) Exports (Deep Zoom Exported ROI Images)
We strongly suggest that you make a backup of the job folder before making changes to its contents.
If an EDF folder containing the EDF Field Images already exists, when you click the Create Whole Scan Image button in uScope Navigator and opt to create the EDF layer, you are presented with an Overwrite Confirmation dialog for the EDF Field Images.
Alternatively, you could use Windows Explorer to delete the EDF folder (shown above in red) manually.
If an EDF Deep Zoom folder already exists, when you click the Create Whole Scan Image button and opt to create the EDF layer, you are presented with an Overwrite Confirmation dialog for the EDF Deep Zoom image.
Alternatively, you could use Windows Explorer to delete the EDF folder (shown above in blue) manually.