Whole Slide Imaging Solutions & Whole Slide Scanners
from Microscopes International
Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) — the automated scanning of glass slides by a digital microscope in an effort to produce digital slides — is gaining momentum in a wide variety of medical and scientific fields including pharmaceutical, education, research, pathology, healthcare, material science, geology, petrochemical, and entomology to name a few.
The uScope family of slide scanners are fast, friendly digital microscopes intended for professional applications that require whole slide imaging. Each uScope model is designed to meet the requirements of specific customer and market segments.
The uScope Navigator software is included with each uScope digital microscope. It supports both slide browsing and scanning and allows you to scan one or more regions of interest automatically. The included deep zoom image viewer allows you to review your scanned ROI and export publication-ready cropped images in a variety of formats (JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP).
Scanning Slides
Let Us Scan a Slide for You
If you're curious about the image quality of whole slide imaging, Scan My Slide is a service we offer to help you evaluate the image quality of the uScope Digital Microscope.
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